Red shoes are the best and your mom rocks them :-) Have fun with the puzzle. P.S. I wasn't surprised to see you on that list xo

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She sure does! I'm almost finished with this puzzle. It's been a lot of fun. Thank you for your sweet words and your friendship, Marie. xo

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Snazzy red shoes. Interesting about Derek working the puzzle row by row... can't say I've ever seen anybody do that. I only do puzzles online these days... 400-500 pieces in an evening. I work by color and/or pattern. For instance, I'll use up all the red pieces, go to the red and yellow pieces, finish up the yellow then go to the yellow and green pieces, etc.... so I have little islands of color all over the screen! So where is this Ocean Park? I had to Google it. The first one that came up is the one I'm familiar with in Santa Monica... but this is not that one! The second to come up is in Washington but I suspect it's not that either. From the lighthouse I think this must be somewhere on the east coast. In any case, it looks like a fascinating puzzle.

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Derek has always done his puzzles row by row, once he does the frame. I like to jump around. :) I've never done a puzzle on the computer. Since I'm on the computer so much for work, it's nice to take a break. I checked the puzzle box, but it doesn't say where Ocean Park is located. Typically, the puzzles will give a location. It has been fun!

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Congratulations! <3 Well deserved I say. Love Mom's red shoes! She always makes me smile.

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Thank you very much, Kay. It was a nice surprise! Thank you...she makes me smile, too! She's loving those shoes. :)

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I do appreciate a pair of snazzy red shoes!

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You and my mother would get along great, Liz! She loves them.

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Enjoy your puzzle. It looks like quite a challenge! Love your mom's red shoes!

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It's been a fun puzzle, Merril! Thanks! My mother loves those shoes! :)

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